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本帖最后由 小半瓶醋兒 于 2011-12-14 11:59 編輯
自制可愛的氣膜書--Go Away, Big Green Monster
因為每晚睡前都會給家鳴寶寶閱讀英語繪本,有時候躺在床上拿著精裝版的書總是感覺沉甸甸的壓著手腕不舒服,而且有時候小寶寶總是會不小心扯壞或折到,(⊙o⊙)哦~~后來干脆打印出來只讀文字,可沒想到小家伙閉上眼睛一會就睜開貌似要尋找我閱讀的內容。沒辦法我只好又想了個偷懶的辦法,就是 把書里的內容盡量的展現在生活中。然后就有了我做的一系列自制書,我愿意統稱他們為書,是因為這些內容源于原創又增加了親子樂趣,無疑也是閱讀后的擴展活動之一。因為本次設計了書和游戲,我想還是重新開貼介紹下吧。
1、先說下這次選材: 是我們經常能見到的空氣膜,一般買書的時候箱子里都有很多。
1、親子閱讀:照原文閱讀,閱讀順序由左至右,再由右至左,每句加上GO away。
識五官游戲..... ......大家自己并補充
后記:關于"Go Away, Big Green Monster"的閱讀擴展應該是很多家長們都已經實踐過了。所以類似于手工、拼貼游戲的角色扮演、群體游戲的怪物游戲類的我就不再贅述了。
Activities for "Go Away, Big Green Monster " after reading the story "Go Away, Big Green Monster," you can follow it up with some fun activities. The following activities are hands-on and encourage creativity and imagination. You can choose one of the activities or plan more throughout the week to extend the lesson. The kids won't be scared of monsters after completing these kindergarten class projects.
Play Dough Monster
Buy or make some green play dough. To make your own, mix 1 tablespoon cream of tartar, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 cup salt, 2 cups of flour and 5 to 10 drops of green food coloring in a large bowl. Add small amounts of water until the mixture sticks together without being tacky. A medium to dark green color is best for this so add more food coloring if needed. Give each child a piece of green play dough to shape into a monster. Collect Mr. Potatohead pieces and let the kids use them to decorate their original play dough monsters.
Paint a Monster
Give each child a toilet paper roll. You will also need green paint, googly eyes, buttons, Chenille sticks, ribbon and any craft scraps that the kids can use. Tell the kids to paint the toilet paper tube green and allow it to dry. Then they can glue on any items they want to make their own green monster.
Eat a Monster
The kids can create and eat their own monster with this activity. Give each child a plain sugar cookie, a tablespoon of white frosting, green food coloring, M&Ms, red licorice ropes, scissors, a plastic knife, paper plate and paper towel. Mix the food coloring into the frosting and divide the ingredients out equally onto the paper plates. Cut the red licorice pieces into 1- and 2-inch sections. Tell the kids to spread the frosting with the knives and decorate with the candies. They can eat the creations or take them home to show their parents.
Monster Drawing
Give each child an 11-by-18 inch piece of construction paper and some crayons or markers. Have them think about what they would do if they had a monster of their own. Have them draw what they would do with their monster. At the end of this activity, have each child come up and discuss what the picture is about.
Grow a Monster
Incorporate science after this story. You will need paper cups, soil, grass seeds, markers and some water. Have each child decorate a paper cup with the face of a monster. Then have them measure out enough soil to fill the cup. Have them sprinkle a pinch of grass seeds on the top and cover the seeds with a little bit of soil. Give the children a small amount of water to pour into the cup. Place all "monster" cups on a tray near the window. Every day or so have the children view the progress of the monster's hair growth. Send it home after two to four weeks. The kids can cut the "hair" of the monster and should be reminded to water it regularly.
總評分: 經驗值 + 1
媽豆 + 20